What can I do to help eradicate the Japanese Beetle in Mesa County?
WD Yards is applying Acelepryn insecticide to zones designated by Mesa County. This treatment is paid for by Mesa County and will be applied between May 15, 2024 and June 15, 2024. A consent form is required for WD Yards to treat properties within the designated areas.
Are you within one of the designated zones? Find out here: https://mcgis.mesacounty.us/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=9a62e8a76fb1441183b0efb2222a83e4
If you are in a treatment area and have not given your consent to treat, please fill out this form and return a copy via text to 970-243-1229 or email [email protected].
If you are not located in one of the zones you still have options. WD Yards can help with our Preventative Grub Treatment which will be applied in June 2024. Please contact our office for pricing information.
Thank you for doing your part to "Beat the Beetle!"
How long should I water my lawn?
There are multiple factors to answer this question for your personal yard. A properly watered lawn will be more disease resistant. The rule of thumb is to water as deeply and infrequently as possible. Plus, the length of time and frequency will change over the course of the season depending on environmental factors. We also recommend watering between 10 pm and 6 am, if possible, to be more effective and reduce evaporation. Contact our office to schedule a FREE customized consultation.
How high should I cut my lawn?
Mowing in our valley can be a little different than other parts of the country. For our mowing customers our mowers are set at a height of 3 inches and we recommend no lower than 2 ½ inches for bluegrass and fescue lawns. Mowing too short can stress a lawn and a stressed lawn can be more susceptible to weeds, drought stress and disease.
When should I trim my shrubs?
Most shrubs can be trimmed any time of year, with some exceptions. Some of those exceptions are roses and lilacs. Overall a rule of thumb is most plant material should be trimmed while in winter dormancy as it put less stress on the plant and reduces the chance of fungus and insect damage.
How important is winter watering?
In the Grand Valley? VERY! Winter watering alleviates the drought stress on the root system of trees and shrubs. Without this stress plant material will come out of dormancy healthier and potentially more vibrant. Winter watering is for all ages of trees and shrubs.
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